Damen Shipyards Group

Damen Shipyards Group

  • Offices
  • Vlissingen-NL

Damen Shipyards is headquartered in the national monument ‘De Schelde’ in Vlissingen. The original design of this building was based on American Industrial style with European features. Over the years, the style became increasingly difficult to recognise due to all kinds of changes to the building. GroupA restored important elements, such as the entrance hall, the circular staircase, the atrium roof and additions were removed. The building consists of the national monument and annexes with a connecting intermediate section.

The interior was completely restyled, using contemporary elements such as patterns, colours and materials. Keijsers delivered the customised interior on the first floor of the main building and all floors in the annexe, including conference tables with built-in video walls, cabinet walls, pantries and storage cabinets with display cases.