Limburgs museum

Contemporary museums and the art of decorating

  • Museums
  • Venlo-NL
2 minutes

A museum must dare to be different. Stand out and demand the attention it needs. With this customised interior demand, the Museum Volkenkunde in Leiden, Het Tropenmuseum and Museum Hermitage in Amsterdam, Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden and the Belasting & Douanemuseum in Rotterdam have become beautiful.

A visit to a museum has become an 'experience' these days. Static museums are giving way to modern museums, in which images, sound and interaction with the visitor play a major role. The interior and architecture of a museum become part of the visit. This requires appropriate, special and innovative furnishings without detracting from the collections on display. Conceiving and producing exceptional custom-made furniture is one of the spearheads of Keijsers Interiors. We understand the art of furnishing, presenting and creating special pieces of furniture for large and small museums like no other. In recent years, Keijsers Interiors has furnished many public spaces, museum shops and exhibitions. Both small and large interior projects directly for museums and commissioned by architectural firms. Among other things, we provide entrance counters, seating, cabinets & display cases, columns and other exhibition furniture for art installations.

Museum design has become one of our key specialisations where we can often make a difference. On our inspiration page under museums, you will find beautiful photos of different interiors with both fixed furniture pieces and eye-catching furniture. We love museums!