Zaans Medisch Centrum

Zaans medisch centrum

  • Care
  • Zaandam-NL

‘Good architecture appeals to all the senses.’ The overall experience of visiting or staying in a hospital should contribute to optimal recovery and a pleasant working environment. Mecanoo architecten from Delft designed the building, Silo conceived the spatial identity of the interior. Keijsers was invited to contribute ideas on ergonomics and hygiene. Areas for employees to stand and sit were incorporated. We were commissioned to build and install the receptions, the interior of the patient rooms and the customised interior for the public areas.

Together with developer Vitaal Zorgvast, we built an innovative centre that is one of the top sustainable hospitals in Europe. One of the formulas applied is the LEAN philosophy. No unnecessary waste, neither of materials nor of energy. Reuse of water, heat recovery from air ventilation and intelligent application of heat and cooling. This is how ZMC became Europe's first LEAN hospital, rewarded with the BREEAM-NL ‘Very Good’ certificate in 2016.