Bonnefanten museum Zilverzaal

Bonnefanten museum Zilverzaal

  • Museums
  • Maastricht-NL

Old and new, lost & found in the Silver Hall. We received a special request as a follow-up commission from the Bonnefanten museum in Maastricht.

‘Turn acquired antique furniture into exclusive display cases and showplaces for the permanent silver room collection, “Silver with Schwung”, for us.’

With our craftsmen, we worked on transforming an antique table, old wardrobes, bahuts (sideboards), a dresser and a floor clock. The result has become truly unique. What a cool project!

As you can see from the beautiful photos, parts of these special pieces of furniture were removed to make way for glass display cases, protective materials and installations to showcase the art objects at their best. This project required craftsmanship and attention from the team specially assembled to carry out this special request. Now all Maastricht silver can be exhibited in timeless surroundings and design. Within Dutch silversmithing, Maastricht silver occupies a special position, which literally translates into a design with ‘schwung’.

Museum design has become one of the major specialisations within Keijsers. We provide entrance counters, seating, cabinets & display cases, columns and other exhibition furniture for art installations. We love museums!