
Wereldmuseum Leiden (former Museum Volkenkunde)

  • Museums
  • Leiden-NL

At Wereldmuseum Leiden (formerly Museum Volkenkunde), you can take a walk around the earth. And the special thing is: you make a trip around the world in your own country and imagine yourself in the country you are visiting. The museum manages and presents historical treasures from all over the world.

The foundation for the national collection was laid in 1816 and has since grown to over 200,000 objects, impressive by international comparison. They are conserved and studied according to the latest insights.

Keijsers was part of the ‘design & build team’. Together with the client and the interior architect, we thought along as co-creators about the entire process from design to realisation of the interior elements. Keijsers furnished all exhibition rooms and public spaces in het Wereldmuseum Leiden.